«Ματωμένο φεγγάρι»: Μάθε πότε θα εμφανιστεί στον ουρανό!
Για ακόμη φορά θα υπάρξει ρομαντισμός με το «Ματωμένο φεγγάρι»!

Το Ματωμένο φεγγάρι θα εμφανιστεί στον ουρανό και αυτή τη φορά πρόκειται για το μεγαλύτερο που έχουμε δει.

Σύμφωνα με τη NASA, στις 27 Ιουλίου, ημέρα Παρασκευή, σχεδόν όλη η Ευρώπη, η Αφρική, η Αυστραλία, η Ασία και κάποια μέρη της Νότιας Αμερικής, θα έχουν την ευκαιρία να δουν το «Ματωμένο φεγγάρι».

Για μια ώρα και 43 λεπτά το φεγγάρι θα υποστεί την ολική έκλειψη, όπως αναφέρει η NASA. Mάλιστα, θα είναι η μεγαλύτερη διάρκεια έκλειψης που θα υπάρξει μέχρι και το 2100.

Το μοναδικό αστρονομικό φαινόμενο με την ονομασία «Ματωμένο φεγγάρι» θα είναι ορατό και στη χώρα μας.

Δες κάποιες εικόνες από το Instagram όπου απαθανατίζουν τη Σελήνη και ετοιμάσου για όμορφες βόλτες την Παρασκευή!

#Moon will turn a stunning blood red on #Friday in total lunar eclipse which will stretch for nearly two hours – the longest this century . . The moon will turn a stunning #blood red this Friday for the longest total lunar eclipse this century lasting nearly two hours. Total lunar eclipses turn the moon red when the #Earth passes between the #Sun and the moon and casts a shadow on it. When the white light from the Sun hits the Earth’s atmosphere the blue colours in the white are scattered, meaning only the red colours will hit the moon giving it an eerie tint. The lunar event will last for 103 minutes — four minutes short of the longest possible duration an eclipse could last. #eclipse #lunareclipse

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Vineri, 27 iulie, de la ora 19:00-21:00, exact cu ocazia Lunii Pline în Vărsător, vă așteaptăm pentru 2 ore la atelierul ”Arhetipurile astrologice ale feminității. Harta Feminității”. #inscriere #linkinbio Ce vei afla la acest atelier? • Cum îți poți exprima feminitatea unică în funcție de propria astrogramă? • Cum să nu te mai compari cu celelalte femei și să nu te mai simți ”eclipsată”? • Ce fel de partener atragi conform astrogramei tale (poziția Venus în hartă)? • Cum să-ți atingi potențialul feminin, integrând și partea de Umbră și partea de Lumină a arhetipurilor feminine? • Cum dai naștere unui proiect, vis, relații, folosindu-ți creativitatea conștientă și feminitatea? • Cum poți să-ți accepți emoțiile și stările, aflând poziția Lunii în harta ta natală (astrogramă)? #fullmoon #fullmoonaquarius #femininewisdom #eclipse #astrology #astroluna #femininearchetypes #astrologyarchetypes #femininity

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The 27th of July sees the longest #lunar #eclipse for the 21st century, and South Africa is right in the epicenter of it all. At #Hoogland we are using the opportunity of our perfect location for such a stellar event to organize something truly special. #Drumming by the #firelight and the big #red #moon Guest Drumming facilitator Bonnie Phillips will be presenting a drumming #workshop around bonfires under the vast African #winter sky, while the moon becomes eclipsed overhead. For those extra adventurous guests, we have the option of a guided silent #mountain #hike for the duration of the full eclipse The eclipse will start at 20:24 and only end at 00:19 The full eclipse will last from 21:30 until 23:13 A small number of special overnight packages available to those from outside who would like to join. The rate is R 1650pp. For more please look at: https://hoogland.co.za/events/204-lunar-eclipse #naturereserve #conservation #wellness #gauteng #southafrica @hellojoburgmag

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News|World . Friday will see a FULL nearly two-hour long solar eclipse. The moon will turn red for up to 103 minutes as the earth passes between the sun and the moon in what is said to be the longest duration for a lunar eclipse this century. • The moon will be below the horizon in Britain during the eclipse, putting the UK out of viewing range and limiting the time for UK stargazers to view the eclipse to 84 minutes. • Eastern Africa, the Middle East, and central Asia are ideal for viewing the eclipse in its entirety. Also ideal would be areas with low-light pollution (A countryside visit could help). • The total eclipse will begin at around 8.30pm in the UK on July 27 and finish at 10.13pm. A partial eclipse will then occur until about 12:15. • • • #toomuchstory #2muchstory #news #media #people #newsataglance #europe #uk #africa #asia #solarsystem #eclipse #lunareclipse #solareclipse #skygazer #planets

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